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  • Writer's pictureWendy

Bake The Bacon!

This is hands down the easiest and cleanest way to cook bacon, not to mention it tends to come perfectly cooked this way!   So this will be a quick post.  Those of you who know me and have had breakfast with us have seen this method or you already do it yourself that way!  We love to bake our bacon!

If you are wondering why we might have had breakfast at our house with friends (’cause let’s face it, it is kinda weird to have breakfast with friends unless it is out at a restaurant for brunch!) is because we have had you to our mountain retreat in North Georgia!  One of our favorite things to do is to get up on a morning, turn on the oven and get that bacon roasting!  And there is nothing like waking your guests up to the smell of bacon cooking…

How To Bake the Bacon

First, you set the oven to 350 Degrees.  DO NOT set it to 375 or 400 – it will burn!  The perfect temp is 350, and I often have this “argument” with my husband…  he sets it to 375 and I always come in behind him and turn it down.  Sorry, Joe!  But we have burned one too many pieces of bacon and this temp is the perfect way to go.

We have a sheet pan that will fit one pound of bacon exactly, which you can find here (be sure to get the 15×21 pan) and fits in our oven perfectly!  But that pan lives at our mountain house and so when I am in the city, I just use a regular cookie sheet.  I line it with foil for easier clean-up.  If you are willing to scrub and have the time, save the foil for another day.  But be sure to clean that pan pretty quickly after using it to make the scrubbing go faster.

How Crispy Do You Like It?

From here you just put the bacon on the sheet, put the sheet in the oven and let it cook about 15 mins.  Check it and see the done-ness… cook it to how you like it!  Cook it longer if it doesn’t look like you want it.  I usually can smell the bacon and how done it is – you will get to notice that smell!  My bestie Aiden and I always say, “I think your bacon is done, I can smell it!”.

Me, I’m an extra crispy fan, my hubby, he like is a little less done.  Notice the two pieces on the paper towel are a little less done than the rest – that was for my sweetie!  Most of this bacon went into a Cauliflower Twice Baked NO-Potato dish I made, so I only kept a few out for Joe.  I’m working on posting that recipe.

I use two forks to get the bacon off the tray and onto the paper towel lined plate.  It is just easier to pick up the bacon that way and get a gorgeous pile of perfectly cooked bacon!

It is true what that little sign in our kitchen says, “Bacon Makes Everything Better”!!!

Baked Bacon

Cook Time 15 minutes


  1. 1 lb bacon

  2. 2 paper towels


Pre-Heat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with foil. Place bacon on the foil-lined cookie sheet. Place the sheet in the oven for 15 minutes. Check to see how done it is. Cook longer as necessary to achieve your desired crispy-ness.


So, if you want it to cook a little faster, you can cook the bacon on racks you can find here, but I just skip it as I see it as more to wash up…   but do what you feel best.  Either way will be so tasty!

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